Monday, March 17, 2014

Singing through the Alphabet

Each week this year, the Kindergarteners have been learning a song/poem for each letter of the alphabet. We are nearing the end and are getting into the tricky letters (try finding songs for U,V, and X!). For 'W' we learned a poem called "Willie Ate a Worm". Once the students had memorized the entire thing, we celebrated by eating gummy worms. The kids loved it! Here are some pictures of them enjoying their squiggly, wiggly, worms!

For the letter X we learned about the xylophone. I couldn't find a xylophone song or poem, but we have been talking about high and low a lot in class lately, so we learned how to find the low notes and the high notes on the different sized xylophones. Then, we learned the song "Merlin, Merlin Magical Man." At the end of the song, a student gets to make a wish. After making a wish, I let them improvise magic wishing music on the xylophones to help make the wish come true. They loved it!

In case you were wondering, here are the songs and poems we used this year. I tried to pick songs that all had a game, dance, or instrument activity to go along with them.

A: Apple Tree, Apple Tree.
B: Bee, Bee Bumblebee
C: Charlie Over the Ocean
D: Doggy, Doggy
E: The Elephant Song
F: Five Little Pumpkins
G: Grizzly Bear
H: Hickory Dickory Dock
I: If You're Happy and You Know It
J: Jim Along Josie
K: K-I-N-D-E-R-G-A-R-T-E-N Song (YouTube video)
L: Lucy Locket
M: Mouse, Mousie
N: No Bears Out Tonight
O: One Finger, One Thumb
P: Princess Game
Q: Queen, Queen Caroline
R: Rhythm Stick Rainstorm
S: Skip to My Lou
T: Time for Music
U: Up, Down, All Through the Town
V: Vegetable Stew
W: Willie Ate A Worm
X: Xylophone X-ploration
Y: Yankee Doodle
Z: Zip-a-dee-doo-dah

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